Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Time for Science!

Well, my avid readers, I think today's post's title say it all: time for some science.
Now it's true, science is not my favourite subject but when I found out about this fact I just had to share it with you!
Did you know, it's a scientific fact that I you have a song stuck in your head (which happens to me wayyyy to many times a day) if you hear someone singing a different song that song gets stuck in your head?
I guess since you're focusing on that song the other one leaves your head.
Just don't hold me to my word, though, I'm no scientist.
I happen to have a song stuck in my head and I....BREAKING NEWS!!!!
It actually worked! *jumps up in delight* After to listening to different song then the one I have correction: had stuck in my head, I got that song stuck in my head.
TIP: When finding a different song to play, pick one you like!
Well, just thought I share this fact with you!
Hark the Herald Angels Sing!

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