Saturday, December 17, 2011

Book Review!

Today I bring with me not only some snow (isn't there something in the middle between TO much snow and TO little?) but a book review!
This amazing book is called Tomorrow Girls: Behind the Gates, by Eva Gray.
There a 4 books in the series, but I just happened to have stumbled upon them now, looking for a read on this cold December day.
I have so far only read the first chapter, so I will post a finished book review hopefully in a few days, but I can tell already that this book will be good!
Here is the summary:
In a terrifying future world, four girls must depend on each other if they want to survive.

Louisa is nervous about being sent away to a boarding school -- but she’s excited, too. And she has her best friend, Maddie, to keep her company. The girls have to pretend to be twin sisters, which Louisa thinks just adds to the adventure!

Country Manor School isn’t all excitement, though. Louisa isn’t sure how she feels about her new roommates: athletic but snobby Rosie and everything’s-a-conspiracy Evelyn. Even Maddie seems different away from home, quiet and worried all the time.

Still, Louisa loves CMS -- the survival skills classes, the fresh air. She doesn’t even miss not having a TV, or the internet, or any contact with home. It’s for their own safety, after all.
I don't think this summary is anything compared to when you read the book, the book is so very well written and I don't believe this summary is doing the book any justice.
So please take my word for it and read Tomorrow Girls!
As for a suggested age, I will post on the finished review but I think so far (and don't hold me to my word;) but I would say around 11 or 12 and up.

Your CMS roomate,

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