Sunday, December 11, 2011


Quick my fans! Drop what you're doing (not literally) and listen to this!
I have just heard of the most fantabulous idea in the history of ideas!
                                         Drumroll please......
A BOOK SWAP!!! *Imaginary audience claps insanely*
Now, as you know, I <3 reading and am always looking for good books! So when I heard of a book swap I imediatly wanted to have one with my friends!
In a book swap you get together with your friends and you all bring at least 3 books to start, they ca books you've read and liked or books you haven't read but thought someone else might like.
Then, you all answer questions like:
"What is your fav type of book?" (Action, Romance, Comedy, Horror, Mystery, Fantasy ect. ect.)
"What the last book you read?"
"Do you like long books or short ones?"
"Series or singular?"
"Fiction or Non-Fiction?"
And when you're done you match up the books to youe buddys so example:
If I had  who loved action, books in series and fantasy I would reccomend Harry Potter to her!

I cant wait to plan a book swap!

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