Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rockwood Fashion Studio of Expression

Bonjour readers,

I am happy to say that as of today I will be starting a week Fashion post to help launch my fashion design career. I don't know if I will have an official day but every week I'll post something about fashion and design.What better way to kick it off then with a Fashion 101!

1) Be yourself in fashion - fashion is an art of expression so don't be afraid to show the real you! (When you can, don't go against your school's dress code or anything)

2) Don't be afraid to be different, that's what fashion is all about. Even though there are a bunch of trends in the world, there's a difference between just following them and adding your own twist to them ;)

3) It doesn't take alot to express yourself! Even with a plain t-shirt and fabric markers you can have something that screams you!

Those are my top 3 fashion tips for now!

In other fashion design news, Rockwood Fashion Studio of Expression has a blog in the works - and when I say in the works, I mean it. Hopefully I should finish it today but I can't make any promises.

Now, I'm off, into the world of fashion!

Rockwood Fashion Studio Team (pretty much just me, Callie, but you get the idea)

P.S. Wish moi luck on learning how to stick her hands until they bleed!

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